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2023: metanoia

—metanoia  (n.) the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self, or way of life.  January 1st, 2023.  I called this day a funeral day—a day where I buried every negative thoughts, habits, and deeds I’ve done in 2022 deep within the ground. It’s not an easy thing to let go of things that has been attached within you for a long time. However, the more I followed those negative things, the more it drained my energy and I realized how harmful the impacts are for my future self. I learned new things each day and it actually helps me to grow as an individual, especially if I learned new interesting perspective about life from other people. When I listen to people with growth mindset, it completely changed the way I view life. I just realized I had a fixed mindset before I listen to those people and it actually messed up to have a that kind of mindset. You will just stuck in one place forever, trapped inside a bubble of your comfort zone. From my perspective, fixed mindset will never make you

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